Potty Training Poppets
The words ‘potty training’ can cause an adult to run away, fearing the chaos, destruction and tears (from child and adult) that could potentially follow. That said, this is another amazing milestone to be achieved and if tackled in a positive, patient and consistent manner, it will be a huge success.
Read more | 24 September 2019 |
Starting a New Job
Beginning a new role with a family is exciting. You are ready to take on fresh challenges and conquer the world along the way. However, often, this enthusiasm can be accompanied by nerves and uncertainty as to what you may expect to find when you arrive on your first day. Questions about the children, family, routines and expectations can flood the mind and force you to feel unprepared. How do you manage starting a new job and what should you bear in mind?
Read more | 24 September 2019 |
Born to Parent - Industry Experts to Help Hone Skills
Navigating our way through childhood can be full of rollercoaster twists, turns, highs and lows. As a nanny, supporting children through this turbulent development and helping to raise children through their infancy, early childhood and into adolescence is a huge honour and great responsibility. Therefore, it is essential to stay focussed on your professional development and improvement to best support the young people and the families you work with.
Read more | 08 July 2019 |
Sports Day Superheroes!
In the final weeks of the school term, sports days will become one of the key events for the calendar. Whether it is the egg and spoon race, the 100m sprint or the sack race, lots of children will be ready to compete, keeping a keen eye locked on the trophy. So, how can you prepare your charge for this event?
Read more | 08 July 2019 |
Perfect Projects for Poppets!
With the summer holidays just around the corner, it is time to get organised and consider what activities you can book into the calendar to keep your little ones occupied. Due to the British weather being a little unpredictable at times, it is best to have a bank of outdoor and indoor activities to choose from to avoid being trapped inside with children climbing the walls. These energetic creatures can have fun anywhere and they do not always require money to be spent on them to ensure they have a good time. So what sorts of things can you plan to busy these bees and keep them smiling?
Read more | 04 July 2019 |
Happy Hygiene Habits
Instilling positive hygiene routines in youngsters is imperative. Their worlds can consist of digging for worms in the mud; chewing on shared toys; sampling sophisticated delicacies of grass, dirt and chocolate and sharing their constant runny noses with one another. Whilst it is not possible (and not recommended) to protect children from every single germ, and it is unfeasible to sanitise everything in sight, there are things that we can do to look after the health and hygiene of our charges whilst encouraging their adventurous explorations
Read more | 04 July 2019 |
Securing a New Role
Looking for and securing a new post can be, at times, stressful and all-consuming. As well as your day-to-day job role, you are trying to sell yourself and your amazing skills to a new family. So how do you go about ensuring that you are prepared, up to date and presenting the best and most realistic picture of yourself?
Read more | 04 July 2019 |
Sensory and Educational Toys
Children use their five senses from birth to approach the amazing and sometimes overwhelming world that they have been introduced to. They explore through what they are able to see, hear, smell, taste and touch, assessing whether they feel something is safe, enjoyable or to be avoided. Unlike adults, who are able to use both their senses and their prior knowledge to make decisions, children have only their senses and guidance from their trusted carers to rely on. This makes sensory play crucial to their development
Read more | 25 June 2019 |
Classes and Clubs for Children
Exposing children to a range of different activities and clubs has huge benefits to their ongoing development, social skills and most importantly, their enjoyment factor. For a baby, taking them to baby massage, yoga, baby sensory classes or rhyme time is a great way to develop those all-important foundation skills, opening their eyes to new possibilities. However, once they get a little older, the expectations change and the opportunities out there for clubs and classes are endless. But how do you know which clubs to take children to and what age to start?
Read more | 25 June 2019 |
Routines for Little Rascals
Routines often act as a crutch for a child, outlining clear boundaries and expectations from the beginning. They allow the child to develop positive habits as certain routines become second-nature; they feel secure and safe within their environment; they develop self-discipline and thoughtfulness as they adhere to carrying out certain tasks at specific times and they build connections to signs, symbols and language, developing not only their confidence but also their relationships.
Read more | 13 June 2019 |